20.03.2008 Wersja do druku

Zadara brings Gog and Magogg to theater

The Theater Cafe in Jeleniagóra has decided that the seventh premiere of its' season At the Norwid Theater will be "Gog & Magog," a Project directed by the young direktor Michał Zadara, who was awarded the Paszport 2007 prize by Polityka. The play is based on the book by the well known philosopher and scholar of Hasidic ways, Martin Buber.

Buber's book is a series of tales from the lives of Hasidic Jews from Lublin in the Napoleonic era. Zadara assures us that his will not be a dramatic adaptation of Buber's book that is "somewhere between what we read and what we see." "Why are we alive? Will the world end?" - these are some of the questions that Buber's book asks. The main characters in Zadara's play will quote large fragments of Buber's text. They constantly dialogue about Godall in a contemporary coffee shop. The decision to combine the every-day scene with mysticism and theological discussions is a conscious one. "With each play," notes Zadara, "I try to ask the basic questions of theater anew: what is the relation of the actor to the viewer, and the actor to the text? I also hope to find a new path towards Jewish mysticism that goes beyond its' folkloric bounds." "This play is for viewers who are interested in new trends in arts," notes the director, "people who are not afraid to think in theater and who w

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Materiał nadesłany


Małgorzata Potoczak-Pełczyńska

