24.05.2013 Wersja do druku

Warszawa. Open mic po angielsku

Klub Komediowy Chłodna zaprasza na Open mic w języku angielskim. Impreza poprowadzona zostanie przez Warsaw Intercontinental Comedy Crew.

WICC STAND UP OPEN MIC 27 maja, g. 21:00 The WICC (The Warsaw Intercontinental Comedy Crew) would like to invite you to our first open mic in Chlodna Comedy Club. The WICC is probably the one and only English Stand Up Crew in Poland. We have been performing in Warsaw for the last 2 years visiting many famous pubs, clubs and bars in the capital. We have also cracked people up in Poznan and the wonderful city of Radom:) Open mic rules apply. Everyone can perform. You have 5 minutes on stage to show us how funny you are. At the end of the show we will have a vote to determine who has been the funniest. All your favourite WICC comics will be there including: Stevo Piwo Dublin Dave Sexy Pete The Woz Not so Super Mario The show will be hosted by Funky Kris. So whether you are a fan of Stand Up or would just like to be entertained in English join us on this fabulous night of comedy. You won't be disappointed For more information on the WICC visit www.th

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