17.09.2007 Wersja do druku

Treliński a Hit in DC

The last grand enterprise directed by Mariusz Treliński, when he was still the Director General of the National Opera in Warsaw, La Boheme, is going to open the Opera season in Washington DC; which is come to the most famous opera house in the United States, managed by the great tenor Placido Domingo. Treliński's work is highly respected in the United States.

His version of Puccini's Madame Butterfly was performed here twice, and his vision of the French Revolution presented in Andrea Chenier was almost a political sensation since it was widely interpretted as commentary to the 9/11 attacks. Don Giovanni, another of Trelinski's plays, also made a grand impression, and will now be presented in Los Angeles. "I am in awe of Mariusz's talent and am very curious as to what he will come up with next. He opens our eyes to new areas of meaning in opera," says Placido Domingo. "I love his specific, contemporary was of thinking about the opera: for me, his works are very moving and amazingly musical." The premiere of La Boheme is a consequence of common plans between the two gentlemen, who have been cooperating for the past five years. The Washington Post has predicted that Treliński's premiere will be one of the mosts important in many years, noting that "the Polish director is fast becoming the best loved artist in the Washington Opera

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Materiał nadesłany

Dziennik online/14.09


Adrianna Ginał

