14.12.2006 Wersja do druku

Theater Festival in Łódź Poses Challenge to Inquisitive Theater

Following two days at the Łódź Theater Meetings Festival, I'm unable to specify the direction in which inquisitive theater in Poland is going. Youthful alternative theaters don't seem to know what they are to inquire about and whether inquiry makes sense at all.

Theatrical creative talents seem to not have taken note that some motives have been redone too many times, not only in theater but in other media. I want theater to surprise me in a theatrical way, rather than tell a story I can watch on television or through the internet. It is not that theater ought to be limited in terms of its' means of expression; on the contrary. I would hope that theatrical forms would develop and fuse with other audiovisiual forms, with the newest media, bringing them into the autonomous realm of the theatrical arts, because only then is theater alive and true. Unfortunately, such development is impossible when all inquiry goes along the beaten path using old motives and stories. This year's theatrical meetings in Łódź did not come out too well. There are very few plays which are moving or even interesting. I suspect that this is not the fault of the organizers. What is being shown at the festival is probably the best of what is out there in young inquisi

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Materiał nadesłany


Łukasz Pięta

