9.05.2005 Wersja do druku

The Founding of the Jewish Center of Education and Culture

Bent Kahan assures his synagogue in Wrocław that the new Jewish Center for Culture and Education will function in Wrocław. Kahan has just been named the director of the Center.

The Norwegian from a Jewish family has been living in Wrocław for the last four years. She is an actress and singer, who presented herself well at, amongst other events, the Review of Actor's Singing, where she sang Jewish stories. She joked that she sings better Polish than she speaks it. Just moments after accepting the nomination from Ignacy Einhorn, the head of the Jewish community in Wrocław, Bente filled the synagogue with her strong wonderful voice. The jewish songs, in Polish and Yiddish. Her seven year old daughter also sang along with children from the Lauder Etz Chaim school. Amongst the evenings guests was Maciej Łagiewski, the director of the city museum in Wrocław, and author of a book on Jews. "Jews have been in Wrocław for a thousand years, but their community truly bloomed in the 19th century," he says, "They brought us many excellent scholars, doctors, lawyers and artists. Two nobel prize winners from Wrocław are from Jewish families - Max Born (picture

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Tytuł oryginalny

Wrocław. Powstało Żydowskie Centrum Kultury i Edukacji


Materiał nadesłany

Gazeta Wyborcza - Wrocław nr 106


Aneta Augustyn

