31.10.2008 Wersja do druku

Tarnobrzeg. The XXXI Barbórkowa Theatrical Drama is coming up

Katarzyna Skrzynecka, Olga Bończyk, Maria Pakulnis, Piotr Gąsowski, Robert Kudelski - these are just some of the stars who will perform at the Barbórkowa Theatrical Drama.

"Traditionally, the repertoire is selected in order to please the greatest number of people. Thus, there will be some serious and some light hearted plays," notes Małgorzata Grdeń from the TDK. This year, the public will be able to see five plays. The first will be on the 23rd of Novemeber; Wierszaliń: Report on the End of the World, by the Wierszalin theater, based on the text by Włodzimierz Pawluczuk. On December 1st, audiences will be treated to Katarzyna Skrzynecka and Piotr Gąsowski performing in "Theater for Adults: The Art of Love." On December 8th, actors from the Ateneum Theater will perform in "Trash Story or a play about forgetting." The play was prepared as part of the 80th anniversary of the theater and premieres on November 1st. Anna Dereszowska, Krzysztof Gordon, and the actors from the Prezentacja Theater will perform on the 14th of December in "Devil's Brew" and Olga Bończyk, Maria Pakulnis, and Robert Kudelski will round things off with a performan

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Agata Rybka

