24.07.2006 Wersja do druku

Racial Hatred fuels attack on actor

A Morrocan citizen was brutally attacked on Saturday night following his performance at the Village Street Theater in Węgajta. The actor is hospitalized in Olsztyn, having suffered numerous severe injuries. According to witnesses, the attack was racially motivated. The Police subsequently launched a special investigations team and the latest reports have it that three arrests have been made in connection with the attack.

As Wacław Sobaszek, the organizer of the theater festival, noted, the victim of the attack was a gentleman by the name of Abdel, a member of the Migrator group. According to Sobaszek, hooded attackers, yelling "because you're black!" attacked Abdel, who suffered numerous cuts and lost consciousness. His life is not in danger. The Police announced that the regional Police commander personally took charge of the special investigations team meant to find the attackers. Initial reports had it that Abdel was struck with a broken bottle. On sight witnesses contend that Adbel was tricked into coming with his would be attackers, who offered him some vodka and then turned on him. "When we found him, he was lying in a pool of blood and the attackers had run off," says a witness. On Sunday, Police announced that they had made three arrests in connection with the crime. Those arrested are 18, 22 and 26 years of age and live in the area surrounding the Theater festival. "The men are being q

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