21.11.2007 Wersja do druku

Polish-Romanian Play Tackles Stereotypes

High school students from the XII General Education High School in Wrocław have prepared a play in cooperation with their young, Romanian peers. They are also helping children from Romanian families with their education, and coming to realize that gypsies and Romanians are the most heavily discriminated against group in Poland.

The idea for a common endeavor with Polish and Romanian youth was the brainchild of Małgorzata Smolik-Wyczałkowska, a teacher from the above mentioned high school. "Our students all come from good families. I thought it would be a good idea to expose them to a different world; one in which there is no sense of security. Romanians are still met with discrimination in our country," she notes. The play is based on the gypsy fairy tale by Jerzy Ficowski, called "Of the Gypsies and the evil Dragon," directed by Halina Jędrychowska, a Polish teacher at the high school. She selected the actors for the play amongst students who take part in after-school theater club activities. Smolik-Wyczałkowska is being assisted by Father Wojciech Kubisiak, whose church takes care of the Romanians spiritual needs. One of the Romanian mothers said "if a person cannot write, read, or work - he has no life. I would like someone to help our children with their education." Her words moved the school's

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Materiał nadesłany

Gazeta Wyborcza - Wrocław nr 272


Agnieszka Czajkowska

