31.01.2011 Wersja do druku

'Our Class' welcomes anglophones

On February 17, Teatr na Woli will host its first English-super-titled performance of "Our Class" ("Nasza Klasa"), an acclaimed play by stage writer lind director Tadeusz Słobodzianek. The theater in­tends to repeat the event once a month thereafter. Mr Słobodzianek is a Pol­ish playwright, but the official premier of "Our Class" was held at London's Royal National Theatre. The origi­nal production enjoyed a suc­cessful run, lasting from September 2009 to January 2010, and it earned strong reviews in The Guardian, The Independent and The Tele­graph, to name a few. The supertitles displayed during the monthly perform­ances will be taken from the script used for the London performances. The play's title, "Our Class," is itself a play on words referencing Nasza-Klasa.pl, a popular social networking service in Poland. But make no mistake, this is no "Social Net­work" style drama about start­ups and modern technology. The script centers on 10 school friends, a mix of Jewsan

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'Our Class' welcomes anglophones


Materiał nadesłany

Warsaw Business Journal nr 4


E Blake Berry



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