12.09.2005 Wersja do druku

IX Talia Comedy Festival

The Talia Comedy Festival will take place for the ninth time in the Ludwik Solski Theater in Tarnów. It will run from 30th September to the 8th of October. Duruing the festival, a jury will chose the best Comedy performance in Polish theater.

This year's jury, headed by Wojciech Markiewicz, the artistic director of the theater in Tarnów, has selected 16 out of 50 comedies to take part in the competition. Amongst those chosen are: "Candid; or optimism," from the Grotesque Theater, "A Great Man for Small Things," from the 'Stary' Theater, "Life of the theater," from the 'Słowacki' Theater, "The Husband of my Wife," from the 'Ludowy' Theater, and "Ay vay! Cinamon Stories" from the STU Theater. These plays will compete with plays from the Łomnicki Theater and the Powszechny Theater in Warsaw, along with the Polski Theater from Poznań and others. The jury will be composed of: Olga Lipińska, director, Anna Burzyńska, Department Head of Polish Studies at the Literary Theory Cathedral and playwright, Anna Remtaniak, journalist, critic, Józef Opalski - lecturer, director and Paweł Głowacki, critic. The grand prize is a statuette and cash award of 10,000 zloties. The Public will also vote on a favorite play. An

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Tytuł oryginalny

Tarnów. Dziewiąte rozdanie Talii


Materiał nadesłany

Dziennik Polski nr 213


Wacław Kurpiński

