12.05.2010 Wersja do druku

Insides Warsaws theatres

Spotlight: Teatr Studio: New Artistic Director, New International Programme

This past March saw the 49th anniversary of the annual "Day of Theatre" in the whole of Europę. To celebrate, Teatr Studio opened its doors to hołd a special banquet, in what has become a growing trend in the theatre: opening itself up to unique day-time and evening events. This literał opening up can also be seen as metaphoric, with the space widening its repertoire to include a new showcase of musical, artistic and dramatic talent. "Showcase" is a word with no real equivalent in Polish but this year, especially with the current Warsaw Theatre Festival, it is re-occurring among theatre directors and audiences alike with growing frequency. It's significance can be seen in the recent "Dni Otwarte" ("Open Days") in the Theatre, intended to launch the space as a reformed artistic centrę, which, in light of recent performances, will be one which transcends linguistic boundaries. In planning to challenge the "ambivalent" symbol that is the Pałac Kultury, inside which the theatre is

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Materiał nadesłany

Warsaw Insider Nr 5


Jessica Savage-Hanford

