"The Holy Father, the greatest man on Earth, played the role of Szaławiła Guca with great flare. Prior to the performance, he'd paint a mustache onto his face with colored bottle cork," recalls the actress, Halina Kwiatkowska.
Halina Kwiatkowska acted in the legendary "Teatr Rapsodyczny" under the auspicies of Mieczysław Kotłarczyk and in the "Teatr Stary." For years, she mentored and educated numerous generations of actors in Krakow's PWST (a renowned Theatrical University). This passion led her to a fateful meeting with John Paul II; Karol Wojtyla, on the stage. She recalls her youth in Wadowice as filled with rigorous intellectual vibrancy. One would travel to Krakow to see theater performances. Reputable citizens would partake in sporadic games of bridge, dinners; the "provincial" town of 10,000 people contained a court house, two factories, and an infantry unit. It also contained four high schools. "Karol, or Lolek, as we called him then, usually played goalie. Tall, grand in character, handsome, he had a restless crop of hair that would never lay still," recalls Halina.