4.08.2006 Wersja do druku

Creating Worlds of Pure Energy

MS: I'll start with a classic question. There are so many different modes of expression; why did you chose theater?

Natalia Korczakowska: It was a bit spontaneous rather than thought out. I needed a place where I felt I could test the values that human beings hold and attempt to understand the world. My diversified education probably helped with the decision as well. I had a scholarship as visual arts worker at the Academy of the Fine Arts, I'm also educated in Music. I functioned in various creative environments. Theater was the natural result of all of this. MS: What is so unique as to draw you towards theater? The combination of different art forms? Natalia Korczakowska: Yes, although not only. Above all I am interested in the possibility to provoke events between people. Theater has a unique role in the world today; everything has become a product, whereas theater has an opportunity to retain authenticity because it invests all possible means towards a fundamental situation; the situation which is its' origin: the meeting of peoples. The provocative meeting of actors and audiences. It is

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Materiał nadesłany

WiK nr 16


Magda Szpak

