12.05.2006 Wersja do druku

Being an aspiring actor in Poland

The best thing to do off the bat is move to Warsaw. There, you have to immediately find a job that will keep you alive and carefuly monitor all advertisements and information about castings, and other auditions. There's always a chance you'll land a small part in some sitcom or soap opera. However, you must live in the city, in the capital. The time between the announcement of an audition and its' being held is usually very short; often a matter of hours, so one must be alert. If one isn't on time then it's the end of everything - these and other comments come from graduates of the Theatrical Studium in Olsztyn, who sat down and talked to Filip Onichimowski in Gazeta Wyborcza.

The students of the Theatrical Studium in Olsztyn have just graduated. Their final projects were presented during a theatrical overview; one such project was "Journey to the Interior of a Room." Following the play, the actors and the director - Giovanny Castellanos - met with the audience. We asked the students what they thought of their future career plans. Filip Onichimowski: You've graduated. Will you stick with theater as your career? Marcin Zarzeczny: We'd like to work in theater, but it's hard to find work in this field. Director Generals in theaters aren't very enthusiastic about hiring new people. Usually, if you do manage to talk to one of them, it ends with them saying 'we'll call you.' And it really does end there. One can't give up; one must fight. One must send letters, emails, call people. Latelty, I counted 160 emails that I've sent out looking for work. I also managed to muddle something up because I accidentally sent the same mail to two different people. Another

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Materiał nadesłany

Gazeta Wyborcza - Olsztyn nr 110


Filip Onichimowski

