7.03.2007 Wersja do druku

Łukasz Chotkowski on the role of dramatists in theater

WK: For many years now, there has been discussion about the role of the dramatist in Polish theater. We've had Paweł Demirski, Bartosz Frąckowiak and Dorota Sajewska, who worked on specific plays together with specific directors. You have taken work at the theater in Bydgoszcz. What is the role of dramatists in your view?

ŁC: Many people often make the mistake of seeing the dramatist as being on par with the literary director. The literary director's work is purely theoretical, while the dramatist takes an active role in the work of the theater, cooperating with the director while preparing a play. This does not mean that a dramatist has to work with all directors on all his plays. The dramatist and the director, if they are to work together, must share a common theatrical aesthetic, a common way of thinking about theater, about a given play, and a common intention which allows them to work together. WK: Tadeusz Słobodzianek says that a dramatist is someone who represents the interests of the writer, while the literary director is someone who organizes the program and is responsible for PR. ŁC: I think that the dramatist must delve into the world of the play as the author sees it. He must suggest to the director a number of interpretive paths. There is now, a grand discussion about how far you

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