20.10.2005 Wersja do druku

Polish Soldiers build Children's Theater in Iraq

A Children's Theater in Jiwan, worth 170 thousand dollars, was officially open for use on Thursday by a group of Polish soldiers working with the CIMIC, which coordinates military-civilian ventures. The theater was financed by the Multinational Division Central-South.

The theater was built in the center of the city, which is populated by half a million people. The theater is located near an amusement park. It is air conditioned, with a seating capacity of 130. "The project for building this theater called for work that took place from the ground up. We put up the building, and also finished out its' interior. Inside, there's a small stage along with everything required for sound systems and lighting to function. We've also built a dressing room and an auditorium," said Colonel Cezary Kiszkowiak, who was in charge of the Polish personel within the CIMIC group. The theater makes quite an impression amidst the ruins of the dirty, unkempt city. The theater has been handed over to the Iraqi department of Education, which is in charge of culture, amongst other things. The Iraqis will decide who to hire. Most likely, the theater will have its' official grand opening within the coming weeks, along with the introduction of its' artistic program and fir

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Tytuł oryginalny

Irak. Polscy żołnierze zbudowali teatr dla dzieci


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Paweł Hochstim

